Questions to Ask Your Personal Injury Lawyer
In the days, weeks and months following an injury, the lawyer a person hires will play a critical role in the amount of compensation they receive. Insurance companies have the resources to hire skilled lawyers who specialize in defending personal injury claims, so it is important for victims to find an experienced and knowledgeable lawyer to represent them. The right attorney will work tirelessly to secure the maximum compensation possible for their clients. To help you choose the best attorney for your needs, we have compiled a list of questions to ask prospective attorneys during your consultation.
What Types of Cases Do You Typically Handle?
A personal injury attorney handles cases involving injuries caused by someone else’s negligent or reckless actions. This includes car accidents, medical malpractice, workplace accidents and other incidents that result in bodily injury. Your attorney should have experience handling these types of cases, as well as a proven track record in obtaining favorable results for their clients.
How Much Do You Charge for Your Services?
Legal fees for personal injury attorneys are typically based on a contingency fee structure, meaning you only pay the lawyer if they win or settle your case. However, there may be additional expenses associated with a specific case that affect the overall cost, such as the expense of hiring expert witnesses or court filing fees. It is important that potential clients understand how their legal fees are calculated so there are no surprises down the road.
What Damages Can I Expect to Recover?
Your lawyer will calculate the value of your claim based on the severity and extent of your injuries and losses. These losses can include economic damages like medical bills and lost income, as well as non-economic damages such as pain and suffering. In wrongful death cases, your lawyer will also seek compensation for funeral and burial costs, loss of companionship, guidance, love and affection, and other losses that you or your family have suffered as a result of the death.
What If I Am Found Partially Responsible for My Injury?
A good personal injury lawyer will be familiar with New York law regarding shared liability and how it affects the amount of compensation you can recover. They will be able to explain how your recovery will be affected by the degree to which you are found liable and the insurance policy limits of the at-fault party.
How Does Your Office Communicate With Clients?
It is important that your personal injury attorney communicates with you clearly and often, especially if your case is complicated or lengthy. Your attorney should be available by phone, email or in-person, and they should be able to provide you with a schedule for regular communication updates. This will help you feel supported throughout the duration of your case and give you confidence that your attorney is fighting for you. They should also be able to respond quickly when they receive timely notices from the at-fault parties or their insurers.